3rd Annual Gala: A Masquerade Fundraiser To Save the Imperial Hotel!
Feburary 27, 2021
7:00 PM
$30.00 (+$2 processing fee)
The Jack Hadley Black History Museum presents the 3rd Annual Gala – a Masquerade Fundraiser to Save the Historic Imperial Hotel located in Thomasville, Georgia. This virtual event will take place on Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 7 p.m. The Imperial, built in 1949 was listed in the Green Book, a road map that identified Black-owned hotels where Blacks could safely stop and stay while traveling through the South. The Jack Hadley Black History Museum, now owners of the hotel, and in collaboration with the Williams Family Foundation and Thomasville Landmarks, are working to preserve this historical site.
Tracie Potts
Mistress of Ceremony
Laval. W. Belle
Jack Hadley
For questions or more information, please contact Jack Hadley at 229-226-5029 or jackhadleyblackhistorymuseum@rose.net or Jackie Hadley at 904-502-1308 or jackierhadley@gmail.com.